Recording Her Every Move

Swinging--her favorite thing in the world!

Walking like Frankenstein.

Playing with her Frisbee--and Daddy!


Chasing the red ball--the best $2.89 I ever spent.

Obviously, I’m not the world’s greatest filmmaker, but little Charlotte certainly makes an adorable subject.

I’ve been trying to do better with recording short videos of Charlotte to send to West Coast friends and relatives (which probably just results in them PINING for her), but a couple days ago my mom had the bright idea to show two of them to my grandmother.

My grandma recently moved into an assisted living facility with her husband, and the transition has not exactly been smooth. In fact, it’s been hell for those involved. It’s a touchy subject, so I need to be more vague than I’d otherwise be, but put yourself in an elderly person’s shoes, and you can probably understand that no longer driving or living at home is scary. Losing a lot of independence and freedom is scary. A few other factors have ratcheted up the drama, so the transition has not been easy for anybody who has had to deal with it.

Well, her facility has a computer room, and although Grandma is adamantly against anything computer-related, she got onboard in order to see two videos that show her only great-grandchild learning to walk and swinging in a swing (and laughing).

She loved them (who wouldn’t?), and I’m told that it temporarily--and significantly--perked up a rather dreary situation. I mean, she really loved them. And, considering that my contribution to Project Grandma has been about nil, I figured that generating lots of Charlotte footage would be one way I could help brighten things up a bit.

Thus, the videos. And, as I’m off to Philadelphia for 4 days for work, I’m sure I’ll be clicking on them 100 times myself as I long for my baby girl.


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