Still Here

I'm still here! This blog is still active!


I know I've been quiet on the blog front lately. I have a couple works-in-progress posts that are way too wordily muddled for the blogging light of day, but when they're done, I shall post. Probably. But really, I have no dramatic reason for the recent dearth of posts (last time it was due to early pregnancy pukiness). Nope, I'm just really, really, really busy. And unless you want a play-by-play of our daily routine, I have little to report.

I can't even expound on some political or parenting topic, because I truly don't have enough brain cells left to make coherent arguments. And forget about wit.

Updates? Well, Charlotte shall turn three years old next week, which will be a happy day for our little family. She's doing just ducky these days, and has lately become closer to her daddy, which I sort of expected, as I have to devote a lot of attention to Lorelei. We've finally managed to push up Lorelei's bedtime, which has allowed me get her down and then take over the very end part of Charlotte's nighttime routine (the best part--snuggling!), which has dialed down the pressure on my guilt-o-meter.

Lorelei continues to grow grow grow. Her cheeks are adorably chubby and her tummy has gotten rounder. She's just so freaking sweet, winning over her omi and my mom (her two daytime caregivers this month) a million times over. No matter how stressed or grumpy I am, a smile from that girl makes me melt. Even better? This child has slept through the night--pushing 12 hours!--for the past three nights. I'm afraid to even type those precious words, because I'm pretty much guaranteeing the honeymoon will come to a screeching halt around 2:00 a.m. tonight.

Days remain a bit daunting around here, and I'm grandma-less come Sunday. Eeek! Commutes are long, time is short, routines are tight, work is busy. And young children can oh so easily derail everything with a too-hard-to-get-out poop (oh, the screaming that accompanies poop drama in our house), refusal to wear pants when it's 9 degrees outside ("But Daddy, I want to be cold!"), spit up, or some forgotten item needed for school. I have learned that no amount of organization and night-before planning can possibly account for each thing that can go wrong in the morning.

So, we're doing the best we can, day by day. But for now, everyone is healthy, the girls are happy, the bills are getting paid, the cars and house are functioning properly, and a little elf (Mums) is doing 95% of my laundry. We'll call it success.


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