Tummy Time

"I'm not so sure how I like this whole 'tummy time' thing, but I'll keep an open mind."

"Whoa! Now I'm in the Boppy! I'm a little freaked out!"

"This isn't so bad. Ahhhhhhh, keep rubbing my head, Mommy."
"Wait, I'm trapped in a pillow on my tummy! I hate it, hate it, hate it! GET ME OUT!!!"
Charlotte does not much care for tummy time, which is supposed to help her develop motor skills and coordination so she can eventually do fun tricks like rolling over and crawling. But she hates it. HATES it! Not much bothers this kid, but there’s something about the lack of control when on her belly that freaks her out. I’ve tried everything to make it tolerable. I get down on the floor—all the way down to eye-level—with her so she doesn’t feel abandoned. I’ve placed a mirror in front of her to inspire her to hold her head up so she can see her reflection. I’ve put toys on the floor in her line of sight to motivate her to wiggle forward just a bit. I've put her on the brightly colored mat of her baby gym so she could look at prettiness. She only does tummy time when she’s in a good mood and when she doesn’t have an uncomfortably full stomach. But no. Charlotte just plain hates it. The boppy pillow allows her to be a little more upright, but she can only tolerate it for about minute or less. At this rate, she might not crawl until kindergarten! But that’s okay. The less mobile she is, the easier it is for me to keep an eye on her!


  1. From what I understand, all babies hate tummy time. Cy did for sure. It got to the point where he screamed the second I put him down. I just kept putting him on his tummy for as long as I could take it, usually about two or three minutes at a time, several times a day. He never really got over it until he could actually roll. And then there was a short period where he would only roll from his back to his tummy, and then scream and cry because he refused to roll back onto his back. Fun times...


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