After the Beach

So, I never wrote more fully on our North Carolina trip, so I better do it now.

I so love the ocean. When I'm standing in front of it, I feel like I can just breathe bigger and better, which is corny but true. I love how tides make the beach look so different as the day goes on, I love the sound of waves, I love how sand is warm during the day and cold at night, I love it all.

Chris is a fan too, and hopefully he has a love of the ocean big enough to get on board with us retiring to a little beach bungalow some day. If nothing else, his obsession with weather would help him fill his days, no?

The details of our trip have sort of faded as daily life back at home took over (next post--you won't believe the week we had, which should illustrate), but trips like this one are so important to realizing there's a whole world of possibility and life outside of and beyond your daily grind. And it's so nice to be able to take a break, hang out with your family, and see a beautiful day dawn with nothing scheduled except walking down the stairs to the beach.


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