Busy Mommy Trick #3: Peas, If You Please

Remember those teeny tiny containers you bought when you were so excited your baby was old enough to eat solids? So you, oh devoted mommy, made your own baby food (because this was your first child and it seemed important at the time but in retrospect, eh, Gerber would’ve been fine)? And remember how they were the PERFECT portion size for your new little eater  . . . . for about 2 weeks? And then these darling little containers got relegated to the back of your Tupperware cabinet? REMEMBER?
Bust ‘em out! Because those small containers are the perfect size for a toddler’s side of peas (or corn, but peas are more nutritious and my kid likes the two equally—although sometimes I do a corn/pea mix, if I’m feeling very adventurous).
The plan is simple: Buy frozen peas or corn at the store (organic, if that’s how you roll), microwave or steam according to package directions, season with a bit of salt (sometimes I throw in a frozen garlic cube or herbs as well, which Charlotte digs and I think expands her taste palate), and separate into your previously under-used containers.
If you have a school who insists you label everything (like I do), label them.
Then freeze.
These look tiny, but a surprisingly large amount of peas fit in there, and like I said, they’re the perfect toddler side-dish size (maybe even a smidge big—but I have a very good eater to fill up). I use these equally in Charlotte’s lunch or with her dinner, and it’s so nice to instantly have fresh(ish?) veggies for the kiddo. (I do something similar with broccoli and green beans, but those require bigger containers.)
I can’t help but think these are healthier than the pre-packaged toddler veggies sitting on a store shelf. And they’re definitely cheaper.
Best of all, you get some use out of those adorable little containers again!


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