An Addendum(b)

It has come to my attention that in yesterday’s post, I neglected to list my likes/dislikes of Washington, DC.


See, this is what happens when you write posts over the course of a couple days. You lose your train of thought.

Or it’s Mommy Brain. Either/or.

Chris thinks it’s hilarious I forgot to list DC. Like I’m wiping it from my memory or something. (I’m not!)

I miss:
  • Feeling cool when I tell people where I live.
  • The sense of being in the middle of things.
  • Being in walking distance to lots of great restaurants.
  • Monuments and free museums, also within walking distance, that people come from around the country to see.
  • Being able to go see a performance at the Kennedy Center, have cocktails before or after, and come home to our urban dwelling.
  • Metro.

I don’t miss:
  • Metro.
  • Condo boards.
  • Noisy neighbors.
  • Homeless people. There, I said it. Here, they’re often very pushy, you don’t know which ones will try to talk to you or yell at you and which ones will leave you alone. Heartbreaking? Yes.
  • 22-year-olds in suits yelling self-importantly into cell phones about that Senator so-and-so’s CRUCIAL legislation.
Okay. I think we’re all caught up now.


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