The Party
On Saturday, we hosted the GEICO Nerd Spectacular.
Chris manages a couple groups of nerdy analysts. And yes, I can call them nerds because I do so with the utmost love and respect . . . and slight envy. These endearing, lovely creatures can animatedly discuss their favorite Excel functions while coolly taking part in a beer tasting. I heart them all. I kind of wish I was a GEICO nerd, but my contributions to Warren Buffet's empire are limited to things like telling Chris to quit using the word "impact" as a verb in his PowerPoint presentations.
Something like 20+ people showed up, if you counts significant others, kiddos, and ex-GEICO folk. Oh, plus a fish. Yes, Charlotte received a fish (complete with bowl, castle, fish food, etc.). The unfortunate fish’s name is Rakesh Junior, and so far he’s still alive. But to be honest, I haven’t checked on him since this morning.
I’m just glad she didn’t receive a gecko.
Little kids raced about, which gave us a preview to the toddler and little-girl stages. Also, Charlotte was enthralled with 8-month-old Addison. Of course, not quite aware of her own girth and strength, my Charlotte might have played just a little too roughly with Miss Addison, who nevertheless held her own in the plastic ring tug-of-war.
It felt good to have our big house FULL for awhile. This was the first time we really tested the layout of the house, and the floor plan proved delightfully functional. The kitchen could spill folks into the family room, while the dining room held all the food and also opened up to the living room. In other words, the areas all open up to each other while remaining relatively separate. Chris and I had quickly painted the “formal” (it has no furniture) living room a shade of yellow earlier in the week and set it up as a play room for the young’uns. It was the first time that room had been used for anything other than storing boxes.
A VERY busy weekend, as you can imagine, and this coming weekend will be another flurry of preparation. My parents and my brother and his wife are coming to Maryland shortly for Thanksgiving (!), and guest bedroom #2 needs to be cleared out, painted, adorned with curtains, and . . . oh, crap. We have to buy another bed. And get it delivered, like, quickly. So, lots to do. This won’t be the first time we’ve had guests, but it will be the first time we have two sets of guests!
I love having the space to properly entertain, and I’d say our first party was a success! Now, maybe I should start planning something for a certain little girl’s first birthday in a few months . . . . .
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