Take a Hike

Chris was too shy to have his picture taken--but his hair couldn't have possibly looked worse than mine. . .
To celebrate the long Labor Day weekend and clear our heads, Chris and I took a day trip out to the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia to do some hiking. More importantly, this little event had zero to do with work, apartment hunting, mortgage rate shopping, packing, condo settlement, or errand-running. The drive out is a pretty one and I might have whimpered a little longingly as we passed some of our favorite wineries—not to mention the Virginia Wine Festival. Wine tasting in the Virginia hills is one of my very favorite things to do out here, but, well, booze and pregnancy don’t mix so well.
Finally we reached our favorite trail and sucked in the mountain air (and probably a few bugs) as we trekked along. My ego took a bit of a hit as Baby Hofmann (yes, I blame the baby) slowed me down on some of the steeper, longer inclines, but we still maintained a pretty good clip. By the time we returned to the car, I felt better than I had in a long time, like all the baby-growing kinks had sort of worked themselves out during the course of the hike.


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